Monday, May 16, 2011

Adrien he me annoys !

On all of the 301 days I spent in France, not a single one passed without a cry from downstairs:
"Adrien il m'embête !"

As the title implys, this translates to, "Adrien is annoying me!" I promised them both bags of Carambars, a French caramel candy, if they didn't fight for one day; I never spent the five euros I had set aside!
Don't let this deter you from spending a year abroad. With this knowledge, you can mediate with moves like:

"Adrien, arrête de lui embêter !" = "Adrien, stop bothering him!"

"Ouai, il est embêtant, et toi tu m'embête aussi !" = "Yeah, he's annoying, and you're annoying me too!"
or simply

"Ta gueule !"

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