Monday, May 16, 2011

So Krispy

When it comes to cooking fat vessels, the French do it classy. One of the first posts in here had a picture of a delicious powdered beignet, which is basically the French equivalent of a donut, even though it is not a donut.
Beignets are not krispy, or Krispy, either, I was just thinking about Krispy Kremes.

Oh god yeah, yes yeah
They tend to be squarish, and the ones I ate in Tonnerre were squares that were twisted lengthwise, about two euros to the dozen, and were greasy enough to make your fountain pen jump right out from between your fingers.

Here are some sentences:

"C'est un beignet" = "It's a donut"

I didn't put donut in bold because I don't want you (Grace (sadly enough you're still the only follower)) to think that it's a donut. Think of donut as Mewtwo; beignet is Mew.

Challenge dialogue!
"Non ! T'as mangé mes beignets !"
"Ben, ouai, tu les as achetés il y a trois semaines !"
"M'en fou, je vais te casser les jambes !"
"Quoi !"

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